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Flutter Development (Day-14):

  • All source code : Click Here.
  • In this post we are going to create a login screen and add the animations to it.For copying the login page source code here.
  • In this post we are going to create a beautiful login screen with some cool animations.


  • Steps to Follow:

  1. Define the Animation and AnimationController objects.
  2. Here we are defining 3 kinds of animations they are animation,delayAnimation,muchDelayAnimation.
  3. In the initState() define the animations using Tween and give the ranges in between.
  4. Here we define the Interval() object which is used to create a delay between the animations.
  5. dispose the animationController in order to leave all resources when animation is done otherwise there may be some issues while using our applications.
  6. Wrap the root widget with AniamtedBuilder which takes animation and builder properties.
  7. If you want to animate a particular widget then wrap it with Transform and give the animation.value for X or Y axis by multiplying it with Device width 
  8. final double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
  • If you are following this tutorial / blog please leave your opinion 👀 / say Hii ✋/ Your e-mail in the comment section that I can improve myself and it will gives boost for me to do more tutorials.
  • If you have any doubts feel free to ask me in the comment section or email me I can definetly give reply.

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  1. hi, what is the structure of your firebase database?

  2. Parkav InfoTech is Flutter app development in tamilnadu with Our experience team develop a flutter app to fulfil customer needs, launched in both android and iPhone platform.

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